Trinovantes “Dubnovellaunos E Type (Class 2c)” Gold Stater


A rare gold stater from a Celtic king mentioned by Augustus, available at a very reasonable price

Item Reference: DR8


Click here to see a video of this coin. Trinovantes “Dubnovellaunos E Type (Class 2c)” Gold Stater. DK 359. Not in ABC. 5 BC – 10 AD. 5.34g,  15.94mm.

Sills dies 25/33. Rare type, Excessively Rare reverse die. 31 coins listed in Divided Kingdoms, only four others recorded from this reverse die.

This variation of the Branch Type stater is known as the E Type because of the letter E in the abreviated legend DVBNOVELLA. Dubnovellaunos was a king of the Cantiaci in Kent who took over the eastern part of the North Thames region after the death of Addedomaros. His rule ended when he fled to Augustus for protection (Res Gestae Divi Augusti 32.1).  He was replaced by Cunobelinus of the Catuvellauni.

Priced low because of the worn obverse.


TypeDubnovellaunos E Type (Class 2c)
DenominationGold Stater
RarityRare type, Excessively Rare reverse die
ReferencesABC – (ABC 2392 is the closest)

Divided Kingdoms 359

Date5 BC – 10 AD
RegionNorth Thames