Cantiaci Corded Triangle Class 1b “Weald, Upright Box” gold quarter stater. Ex. Westerham II Hoard


This Cantiaci Corded Triangle gold quarter stater comes from the Westerham II Hoard and has been published in Divided Kingdoms and Coin Hoards in Iron Age Britain. It is recorded in the Celtic Coin Index as 06.0891.  Centrally struck from an Excessively Rare reverse die on a lovely rose-gold flan with a mottled peaty obverse.

ABC 198; Divided Kingdoms 62; S. 172


Item Reference: weald-corded-triangle-1


Cantiaci Corded Triangle Class 1b “Weald, Upright Box” gold quarter stater. Ex. Westerham II Hoard. 1.34 grams, 11.7 mm.  Rare class, Excessively Rare die (reverse 8) – only 5 known.  Centrally struck on a lovely rose-gold flan with a mottled peaty obverse.

c. 50-40 BC. ABC 198. DK 62. S. 172

From the Westerham II Hoard (IARCH-13CA2F, treasure number 2006T564).

Celtic Coin Index – 06.0891 (this coin).

Published in “Coin Hoards in Iron Age Britain” page 248 (this coin).

Published in “Divided Kingdoms” page 91 (this coin).

Ex David Turner.

If you like the type but not this particular example then there’s one for sale here for £2,600 (checked 9th of July 2022)